Leila was far enough away from all the other wolves now, so she finally let her hunger for bloody meat to fill her mouth. She felt her claws dig into the soil as she breathed heavily. Her eyes held a glint of hunger but only lightly. She was still under control on her crazy side not wanting it all the way. After standing there making sure the hunger wasn't taking over badly, she stormed away to find some meat. She licked her teeth as she imagined the meat she would eat. She only slowed down when she would hear something and thought it was something to eat. After a few minutes, she stopped at a small lake when she spotted a small group of deer. She grumbled when it wasn't elk but it was still food and she only needed one. So she slowly lowered herself so they wont see as she sneaked into the bushes. She watched them move around and drink from the lake. Her crystal blue eyes focused on one of them that was next to the lake. So right when the deer she was staring at stopped drinking, she jumped in the air. But to scare them. She wanted to run and this is how she got it. They all ran in fright to get away from Leila, but her eyes stayed on the same deer. So when the deer ran away in a direction, she followed. She loved the way she ran after her anyone for some reason. It gave her a cleared mind. After a few minutes going a minimum speed, she finally speeded up. So she jumped on the deer, sinking her teeth in its neck as they both fell to the ground. When she hit the ground, she took a chance and sinks in her teeth in deeper then moved her head back ripping the throat out. She licked her teeth spitting out the throat from her mouth. She let out a howl before she grabbed the young adult deer by the leg as she dragged it back to the pack.