[color=0000FF][h3][u]Stormfyre[/u][/h3][/color] The ice wall had shattered, deadly splinters flying everywhere. Storm grimaced and with a slight flick of his hand sent all headed for him of to either side of himself. Using as little magic, with as little showy stuff as possible. Trump cards were better held in reserve. But still, he was curious, sticking his nose in where really he shouldn’t had always been a bad habit of his. His dormant Tiger part was busy telling him to disappear quietly into the forest and watch things from afar, but the Dominant human side was far to nosey for his own good. Hurrying without appearing to, Storm was finally close enough to see the figures properly. Slowing down and trying to look as non aggressive as a slight unarmed human boy could be, he made his way even closer, wanting to get a good look at everyone there.