[color=FF0000][h3][u]Flynn[/u][/h3][/color] Stumbling slightly through the forest Fyn headed for the direction of the earth shattering noise she had heard, it was like nothing she’d ever heard before, but considering that she couldn’t remember anything beyond a few minutes ago, that didn’t mean much. Tripping over a root, and face planting into the leaf-mulch, Flynn suddenly wondered; why, if she had wings, was she not using them to fly? Frowning she pulled herself up and looked around; the forest was too dense to take off here, but maybe if she climbed a tree…? Picking the tallest tree, or the one that looked tallest from where she stood, Fyn scrambled up, leaping from branch to branch and swinging herself higher and higher. Reaching the small branches that would never hold her weight Fyn spread her wings, stretching them out to their full length, wider than she was tall, and in one fluid movement she tipped off the branch, falling forwards gracefully, and then she was jerked up as the wind caught her wings, the leathery membranes stretching taught. Whooping, Flynn angled herself toward the smell of salt and, relishing the freedom, she flew.