[center] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2012/249/8/4/abducted_by_design_alien_skull_logo_by_abductedbydesign2-d5du72x.jpg[/img] [/center] [center] [b]Turian Corvette [i]Relentless[/i] - 3rd expeditionary fleet [/b] [/center] The small Turian ship [i]Relentless[/i] hung in the darkness of space, at the edge of the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet. The only nearby ships were two Salarian stealth shuttles, each holdings an STG squad. The two Salarian ships slowly revolved around the corvette as it drifted at a snail's pace towards the strange alien system. All three ships had shut down engines and were currently idling in an effort to conserve fuel while they shared a mission debrief. While the mission seemed simple enough and the orders they received were relatively open ended, it was imperative that they planned everything out to the tee. If just one thing went wrong, the small task force could cause a galactic incident. Inside the ship itself, eight Turian soldiers sat. There were two rows of four, with the two rows facing each other. The small space was bathed in red light; the lights had been shut off to lower their ship's heat signature. The Turians were going about their usual pre-battle ceremonies. Three of the Turians had their heads down, and were praying to their legion's spirits. Each one was holding what appeared to be a lightning bolt - the symbol of their legion, Fulrem, or 'Iron Lightning.' A few of them were chatting quietly among themselves, remembering old battles and discussing the things they missed from civilian life. They were the newest members of the squad; they had been getting to know each other over the last few months. The last two soldiers in the bay, however, sat in complete silence. Each had their eyes downcast, their faces covered and obscured by their helmets. They had been here the longest. They were differentiated from their brethren by their extensive customization of their armor paint jobs. In the front of the ship, hidden behind a metal door, was the cockpit. Vires sat next to the pilot as he discussed the final pieces of their approach to the conflict below with the Salarians. [color=82ca9d]"Alright, let's go over everything before we move out."[/color] Vires spoke, his voice strong and authoritative.[color=82ca9d]"We're going to enter the atmosphere on the far side of the battlefield, away from the frontlines. We should be far enough away that we won't run into any natives. However, if we do encounter the humans or the other species, we are not to engage unless we are engaged ourselves. Let's try to be diplomatic before we start blowing them away."[/color] Decius joked darkly.[color=82ca9d]"We'll be travelling through primarily urban territory, however we'll be steering clear of the populated zones. According to our preliminary recon we've obtained from stratospheric drones, the area we'll be landing in was evacuated before being bombed extensively. We shouldn't run into any problems when we land." [/color] Vires brought up a holographic map display. He began to mark up the map using his fingers. The information was being sent to the other two Salarin leaders, with only a short delay. The relatively close distance between their three ships made transmitting data via laser did not require comm buoys. [color=82ca9d] "The main resistance we might encounter comes from here: a highway used by the unknown conglomerate of aliens attacking the entirely human force. It seems to be municipal in nature, however we have reason to believe that enemy troops have used the highway before. Furthermore, once we pass that highway we'll be in contested territory - we were unable to get any images of the area, so we'll be mostly blind. Keep your men on high alert. Once we escape this part the city, there's a single ridge that over looks the frontlines. Once there, you two will set up your reconnaissance and communications equipment. You'll be sending your data to the fleet via drone roughly every half hour. You should have ample amount of drones to get the data across in a timely and safe manner. "Once your teams are set up, I'll take a small squad and attempt to recover the fallen drone. Chances are the humans have taken it into their possession. My team will try to take it without making contact; stealth is of the utmost priority." [/color] Vires sighed, closing his eyes for a moment until he wrapped up the plan. [color=82ca9d]"Is that it? [/color] He asked the two Salarians, who had remained silent during the briefing. [b]"That is all, Captain Decius."[/b] One of the Salarians replied. They were concise and to the point; Vires could appreciate that. [color=82ca9d]"Alright, relay the plan to your men; I will do the same. May the spirits watch over us. [/color] the Turian waited for the Salarians to cut off the communications before turning off the holographic display and standing up. He made his way into the troop compartment, examining his men. [color=82ca9d]"Alright misfits, here's the plan..."[/color]