Autumn gazed at the random women that came over to her with wide eyes, unsure how to respond. Alastair frowned and sat near his sister, eyeing the lady with his bright red eyes. [color=lightblue]"We are not that young. Who are you?"[/color] He asked bluntly, tilting his head to the side. Aiden plopped down in the sand next to them, looking the woman over as well. [color=lightgreen]"Why is your hair blue?"[/color] He asked randomly, ignoring the look Alastair shot him. Then the triplets looked back at the woman, wondering how she would respond. [color=#9966CC]"I-It's a very p-pretty color."[/color] Autumn piped up, hoping to calm the woman if she became upset by her brothers question. Aldous eyed the woman that approached warily. [color=red]"Why in the hell would I have seen a dragon here? I don't even know where [i]here[/i] is."[/color] He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.