In a slightly more secluded section of the forest, Jacque was hard at work tending to his garden, ripping away weeds and shifting the soil with his hands. "[b]The weather is surprisingly nice this time of year, a good omen if i've ever seen one. It even looks as though most of my berry bushes will be bearing fruit upon my return from globe trotting. Here's hoping the animals don't get into them, eh?[/b]", he inquired as he looked up at the smiling face of his adopted daughter Laura. Or rather, looked up at a smiling portrait of her anyway. Jacque sighed heavily as another pang of loneliness hit him. It had been nearly a month since he'd sent off his little girl to become a ranger, and yet the feeling of loss never dulled when he thought of her. "[b]I hope that your training is going well child. I miss-[/b]", Jacque paused as he heard something far off in the distance, it was faint like the sound of thunder in the distance, yet distinctly different. "[b]Guess that's my cue to get on the road. Wherever that sound was seems like a good place to start[/b]" Jacque said as he wiped off his hands and picked up his daughter's portrait and stuffed it into the pack he kept his herbs in. With a soft grunt, the man stood to his feet and stretched a bit to loosen up. He checked his supplies to ensure everything was in order, and then Jacque was off. The ranger moved like a blur through the forest, his legs carrying him at the sorts of speeds that would nearly put a thoroughbred race horse to shame. It had been far too long since Jacque Marrow had traveled abroad, he just hoped the world once more held new and exciting things for him to bear witness to.