The cut wasn't deep on her wrist, but at least enough to draw a good amount of blood from her veins, of which her adorable thrall partook of rather needily and was now well nourished. Rebecca however, she would need a fresh IV bag full of crimson nectar...and perchance a vodka and tonic to follow it up. While she wrapped her wrist in a roll of gauze she found in a desk near the examining table, her servant remained beside the dead girl, a concerning frown crossing Camille's lips and a sigh that followed, [color=f49ac2]"Why...why was she afraid of me?"[/color] Rebecca, she knew the answer well, but didn't want to say anything to dampen the youngling's spirits. She looked to the woman as a little wolf pup who lost her mother, her eyes glistening with what Rebecca assumed well enough...evidence of her inner pain. [color=ed1c24]"Perhaps she was surprised maybe, that someone from beyond the void noticed her."[/color] Rebecca cooed sauntering up behind the girl and resting her hands on her shoulders. [color=ed1c24]"The dead must feel lonely, able to see others...but never reach out to them as you have, my dear. It's quite a gift you have."[/color] She supposed so, Camille, softly curling her lips and bringing her small hand to feel of her lady comforting her. [color=f49ac2]"I guess..."[/color] The girl mused. [color=f49ac2]"Mistress, what do you think she meant by 'Mag'?[/color] [color=ed1c24]"The vampire's name I assume."[/color] Rebecca answered. [color=ed1c24]" could be the name of his elder. The attack was from a thrall no less. No elder or lord in their right mind would instigate such a violent attack in the public eye."[/color] Camille nodded lightly as if to agree, not really knowing much of the unknown world surrounding her, a world the woman she served dutifully brought her into, of vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings and occurrences, but then again, the girl did have a bit of insight into the unforeseen. After all, before Rebecca turned her, she already knew of her....peculiar second sight. [color=f49ac2]"So it's only the young ones...who are violent?"[/color] She inquired tilting her head a little to see her mistress behind her. Rebecca returned, rather stating fact, [color=ed1c24]"Mostly sweetheart. It's a common occurrence among youngbloods. They don't know how to control their lust. It overtakes them, turns them into...say...the modern equivalent of a drug addict. Even when properly nourished, they continue to starve for blood and seek it whatever means."[/color] She paused though and chuckled quietly, [color=ed1c24]"But you're the little exception to this, Camille. You've managed to tame yourself, even without my guidance."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"I guess I...never really felt the urge...Rebecca."[/color] Camille replied, a soft hue of pink glowing amidst the fair pallor of her skin. [color=f49ac2]"Mistress?"[/color] She asked, turning around to face the woman with her emerald eyes, gazing into the frozen hue of Rebecca's, [color=f49ac2]"When....when you were first turned....did you ever act like this? Killing people...and...drinking their blood?"[/color] Her words....even from such cute lips as hers, they were like daggers to the woman's heart, sharp...serrated daggers that carved into her flesh with such pain...such melancholy. Rebecca bit her lip and glanced off to the side, as not to show the concern welling in her eyes, but damned she be if her voice didn't betray her as she sighed deeply and slipped her hands a little down the girl's arms, [color=ed1c24]"I....I cannot deny that I have given into my desires many times in my youth, that I have indulged this animalistic urge...and taken lives with it. Even I, try as I have for these many past moons to quell my wretched bloodlust, even I...have at times tasted fresh...warm...blood."[/color] Her eyes soon turned to those staring at her, the peaceful, verdant shade causing the woman to shiver slightly, and yet bite her lip more with a growing pang of concern, [color=ed1c24]"My dear, you do not regret what I have done to you? Be honest with me now."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"I....ummm...I...."[/color] The youngling blushed all the more, trembling slightly in the woman's tender grasp as she stuttered. Did she honestly regret it? She was an immortal now, was she? And who better to serve all her life than such a graceful, beautiful woman, especially when if it wasn't so obvious now to the both of them. Taking in a deep breath, Camille struggled to find her answer, adding more apprehension to the woman's gaze. Finally, she managed to reply, [color=f49ac2]"N-no Rebecca, not at all. I....I'm happy that you changed me, and saved me, Mistress. I would've died had it not been for you, one would've cared... My family, my schoolmates...nobody would give a fuck that I was dead. You''re the only one who cares for me, M-mistress."[/color] From her eyes they fell, tears so warm, so full of an inner pain she shed upon the elder vampire. Softly Rebecca rose a hand to catch one of the tears and whisk it a way with an endearing smile to the girl. She leaned forward and upon Camille's quivering lips she planted hers, warm and sweet, leaving a tender kiss. [color=ed1c24]"Come on, my sweet."[/color] She breathed slipping her fingers through Camille's blue hair. [color=ed1c24]"We've done all we could here. At least we gained some answer, though a tad cryptic."[/color] Wrapping her arm around her servant, she began to lead them out of the room, but....they were stopped at the door by a rather....unsettling altercation. [color=ed1c24]"'s you."[/color] Rebecca said to the man at the door, her eyebrows furrowing at the sight of him. Twas the medical examiner, but something felt...very...very off about his presence. He was breathing hard, every exhale the woman felt as hot as the scathing flames of the dark abyss, and his eyes...his...bloodshot red eyes glistening and gleaming with such...insatiable hunger. [color=ed1c24]"We...were just leaving now. Our work here is finished. You may continue with what you were doing earlier."[/color] Rebecca resumed trying best to keep composure, however it was difficult, what with the eyes of not a man...but a beast, a horrid, vile creature staring languidly and ravenously into hers. "You...are not going...anywhere!" The man snarled, his voice harsh and his body...sickeningly convulsing and twitching with every word spat from his wagging tongue. Rebecca backed away as he lurched forward, her arm extended across Camille behind her, urging the girl to step back. [color=ed1c24]"W-what?"[/color] Astonished she uttered. [color=ed1c24]"Why sir, I'm afraid you cannot keep us here against our discretion. That is considered kidnapping and is indeed a serious offense. You-"[/color] But ever rudely the examiner cut her off with a growl, a growl exposing the true nature of him, "Shut up you traitorous bitch! Once I'm finished with you and your little fuckmate, then I'm going to offer your trophies to Lord Magnus!" [color=ed1c24][i]Mag...Magnus?! Of course it was a lord![/i][/color] Thus the answer she awaited, but even so, the bastard had done enough to out one of the loathsome undead. [color=f49ac2]"Fuckmate?!"[/color] Camille yelled trying to step past Rebecca, itching now to claw the hell out of this disgusting prick. [color=f49ac2]"You asshole! She's my mistress! Not my- Hey!![/color] But back Rebecca nudged nudged her. Sharp the woman's eyes narrowed to him, the wretch before her, and deep and seething with anger her tone became as she spoke in return, [color=ed1c24]" was you who committed these vile atrocities...was it now?"[/color] The creature cackled, a madman's laughter, and in disturbing glee he clapped his hands, "Do you like what I've done with her?" As if a gust of wind he darted past Rebecca and Camille, now to the side of the dead woman on the slab....such a grotesque display as he caressed the nude, lifeless corpse and crooned licentiously, "Oh she....she was my favorite. Her screams...her lamentations, they were like music, such...lovely requiems to my ears, and her was the sweetest I've ever honey upon my tongue!" Speaking of his tongue, it slithered as the Serpent of Eden from his slimy gob, lapping at the grisly wound upon the blonde's neck. "Mmmmm...I wonder what your little slut tastes like." At that, ever more protective did Rebecca stand in front of Camille, already her eyes darkening with shadows of malice and rage. [color=ed1c24]"The only way you will discover that...."[/color] She snarled under her breath, the nails of her fingers extending and hardening as she pointed one towards the disgusting vermin. [color=ed1c24]"Is if you make it past me, but you....will be dead before you make it a mere three inches. So come forth, rotten vermin! See if you may challenge a true Nosferatu."[/color] " do not deserve to speak so highly of yourself...Rebecca!" He cackled again, his eyes...glowing insanely in the dim shadows of the morgue. Rebecca...she was taken aback slightly, her hardened exterior softening a little at this most unexpected verbal blow struck. "That's right!" He resumed. "We know who you are! The very bitch who hunts and murders her own kind! are a DISGRACE to Lord Magnus! And soon...oh so very soon...I will honor my Lord...with YOUR DEATH!!" In that instant the creature pounced on Rebecca, Camille screaming behind her in terror, but nary a claw nor fang of this wretched thrall would grace the embittered woman's skin. Instead what the beast would discover would not be the sweet, delectable flavor of Rebecca's blood gracing his tongue, but the possibly bitter, rotten taste of his a sword pierced through his neck, having materialized in Rebecca's hands instantaneously from a wispy, black cloud of shadows. And what misfortune for the bastard's putrid smelling blood to spatter all over her face. "N-no...y-y-you...YOU BITCH!!" Still alive unfortunately the vampire screamed in anguish as Rebecca's blade carved deeper into the back of his skull. "You dare defy Lord Magnus?!'re not a true vampire at all! You spit in the face of your blessings!" At that the woman pushed her sword in further, eliciting such horrific lamentations as the silver began to sear his flesh gradually. Eye level with the beast, she hissed, her eyes darkening ever more, [color=ed1c24]"Listen well, thrall. Vampirism is not a blessing to me. It is a curse, a curse laid upon me by a loathsome, licentious , horrid creature such as you! And...when I see into his eyes again, just as I stare into yours, it will not be as his helpless victim....but as the harbinger...of his own wicked demise! And creatures such as him, as you, and as your Lord...will NEVER walk the earth again!"[/color] And with those final words given she wrenched her blade violently from his neck, decapitating the beast in one fell swoop. As his head plopped to the floor, so too did his body fall, already smoldering into a pile of ashes and bones before the vengeful woman and her crimson blade. [color=ed1c24]"Let's go, Camille. We've discovered who this lord is now."[/color] A bit harsh still the woman commanded her thrall. Cammie nodded quietly and merely followed suit obeying her mistress, trailing behind her as the two left the morgue. Although, as they made their way back to Rebecca's car, Camille couldn't help but repeat the last words spoken of the woman...of vampirism. [color=f49ac2][i]Does....does she really mean it? Vampirism is.....a-a curse? does she think of me? No...she gave me life. I-it's not a least not to me, but...Rebecca...why does she think....[/i][/color]