[color=ed145b]Minako lets out a small gasp of surprise when Joerose suddenly addresses her. She flinches a bit when he suddenly sticks out his hand to greet her. She blinks slowly. 'I thought that the ghosts were supposed to be INSIDE of this mansion...' Minako thinks to herself as she calms down a bit. She clears her throat. "Um...hello. I'm Minako...and yes, I believe this is the mansion." Minako nods in response. She looks behind the ghost and sees other very...uhm...interesting characters walking towards the mansion. 'Guess I'm not the only one who found out about this place...perhaps that's for the best. I'm not sure if I'd want to be here alone...' Minako thinks to herself again, right before she catches sight of someone else walking towards her, wearing a school uniform similar to hers. "You're telling me, I-" Minako begins with light conversation with this one person who actually looks relatively normal, but she's quickly interrupted by Joerose's interception of his path. She sighs helplessly. 'Maybe I should just...get everyone inside.' She says in her own thoughts, then turns to open the door. It creaks open with a painful, cringe-inducing noise. The inside of the mansion is fairly dark, as the only light coming through it at this time is the light that makes it through the trees of Shinkuro woods, and down through the windows. Minako steps inside carefully. "...Hello?" "HI!" "G-GYAH!" Minako jumps back and almost trips down the stairs to the door when a huge set of sharp teeth comes way too close to her face. "Oh, dear me! I do apologize! Please don't be frightened! I won't do you any harm. Here, I'll change my form for you, my dear." Abernathy pleads with her, then shifts himself from a velociraptor with a top hat and an X'ed left eye to a large, fluffy rabbit with the same features. He steps out of the way of the doors, bowing. "Please, do come in. It's been so long since I got to talk with outsiders!" Minako is still a bit shaken, but in the end, she lets out another sigh, and forces herself forward into Lavenshade Mansion.[/color]