[color=ed1c24][h3]???[/h3][/color] The man shook his head. Why must people of his calibur ask questions? Why worry about the philosophical? A bit of worry went across his face though as he noticed the total lack of killing intent. That would be no fun, no, no, that wouldn't do. [color=ed1c24]"I am a warrior, and I live by the blade, and perhaps I shall die by it. That is all. As of this moment, neither one of us has a name. Please do try to kill me, this is what it should feel like when you do. En guarde." [/color] The nameless warrior quickly drew a tessen out of his coat. A massive amount of killing intent flooded the area, beyond description. The very nature that had been thriving around the area took fear. Animals fled. Even the trees began to lose color. Images of death would flood anyone nearby. He walked slowly towards Zume, watching his every movement, wanting to see what he would feel.