[quote=@HylianRose] [quote=@Madame_March] Hey Hylian, I have a question or two about the electrokinesis power before I continue Heather's power development. I was looking more into the power, namely the super power wiki, and I was wondering if any of these abilities are off the table for this rp. I don't want to accidentally god mod. haha [url][/url] [/quote] Alright! (There's something about being on a computer that lets me be more productive than when on my phone. Just more organized I guess.) So, with this, I'd like you to use your best judgement. These students have had their powers for merely a month, that's about 4 weeks, 28 days roughly. Would Heather have the handle on her powers to do what you're about to do with her? I have no real problems with any of the applications listed there so long as Heather would be able to perform them. As she's only had her powers for a month, creating lightning constructs would be a bit out there for someone so green but charging electrical appliances or absorbing electricity can be more on her level. I'll leave it up to you and if I see a problem, I'll more than likely PM you to sort of talk it through with one another. I don't want to be the all-powerful being here, I want use to work together. But at the same time, I will have the last word. So... ye... [/quote] Yeah, I wasn't expecting Heather to instantly be able to do all these things, I just wanted to make sure these abilities were approved. I plan to make it so Heather has an reserve of electricity she generates through sleep/rest, and if that reserve runs low, she will tire/weaken. Any additional power she has depends on how much electricity she can siphon from around her. If she were to siphon too much, she could be at risk of burning out quickly, passing out, or some other consequence that I might explore later. I really like the idea of paralyses people, really will be a fun way to subdue someone.