[center]Appearance: [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/072/d/c/simon_henriksson_by_noahasai-d5xwhp5.png[/img] Name: Joseph Adams Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Kind at heart, Joseph usually attempts to keep the atmosphere light, but can go too far with his sarcasm that it may seem almost bullying at times. In tense situations however, he tends to shut down almost completely. Bio: Despite being born into a lower class, mostly neglectful family, Joseph doesn't seem to show any sign of this. He keeps his private life separate from his public life, perhaps as a coping mechanism. He also isn't a saint, having gotten into trouble once or a twice, but he tends to avoid such trouble with authority as his neglectful family suddenly notices him when messages home are sent. His social life is fine, not popular but he has a decent amount of friends. Items: Flashlight, Lighter, Pen, A bag of Trail Mix. Greatest Fear(s): Sharp objects. He tends to get a bit anxious around them. Other: You want to Play?[/center]