Is it too late to apply? If so, that's fine. If not; [hider=Jordan Ruby] Appearance: [url][/url] Name: Jordan Ruby Age(13-15): 15 Gender: Male Personality: Jordan is outgoing and confident. He is slightly narcissistic, and seeks to be recognized by the people around him. However, when it counts, he is a nice, generous and genuine person. He's fairly smart, and has good logic skills, but he's no genius. He's also a musician and actor. Bio: Jordan's life had never been amazing or supper exciting. He has two sisters, one older, one younger. As a child, he was always imagining, but unlike some, his thoughts weren't within his own head. If he had a good idea, he would say it, and make sure it was recognized. He began learning piano when he was 6, and has enjoyed that more and more recently. In the past few years he has taught himself to write songs and to sing. For most of his life his parent's were happily married, but over the past few months that has changed. After lots of arguing, his father moved out, and he hasn't seen him much since. He became the only male in his household. It has been tough for him to go through this, but he doesn't mention it much to his friends, he simply tries to go on with life. Items: Flashlight, Smartphone, Water-bottle, Wallet, Half-eaten Sub. Greatest Fear: Jordan is scared of not being recognized for what he does well. Other: You Want To Play? Jordan does. [/hider]