"So I guess we all got brought here by that strange light." Alex said looking at the group as they walked. He wasn't willing to give up to much about himself, he was feeling less and less like it was a dream but wasn't sure if telling them where he was from would really matter. "i wonder if we'll really be able to save this world. I mean sure we made these guys bigger once but that mole thing still seemed stronger than Penmon." "It's Penmon... wait you got my name right." Penmon was a little in shock, he spent a majority of the trek staring at Alex wondering if it was dumb luck or something. Eventually the group reached the beach and the pair watched as Hackmon rushed to the water. The fact that Alex was the youngest, didn't mean he was going to rush head first in. He was generally a cautious kid but Penmon on the other hand. "Ice Prism!" He called out creating a trail of ice to the water."Lets go play!" He rushed at Alex before launching another attack. "Slide Attack." He called sliding into the boys legs and causing him to fall backwards. The Penguin broke through the ice crystals and the two were dropped into the water with a splash. "Well, no melting yet, I think the water's fine." Alex called out noting Cayden's earlier comment. He splashed some water at Penmon who splashed right back.