[quote=@Sixsmith] [quote=@KabenSaal] I'd say Bio-engineer. Science is reaching it's peek, and it will be this generation, or the next, that makes the greatest discoveries of all time. While video games are having their reputation destroyed by greedy, shameless corporations fed by the screaming, mindless masses who are all to happy to devour the repetitive shit that comes out year after year, and then buy a game they have already bought over and over just so they can get things that should have been in the game in the first place. [/quote] [hider= In Which Sixsmith Rants about Games and Shit, Seriously, You Don't Have to Read This]That's why people play legit good Indie games nowadays. Those games usually range from free to 20 bucks at most and they're pretty awesome compared to what big corporations are pumping out. Graphics aren't all that great, but they usually care more about their gameplay than graphics. Regardless, I'm an avid gamer. Video games are what I use to cope with shitty situations in my life, including depression and anxiety issues, so I'm not fond of being called mindless because I like mindless fun, as well as the stories told in various games, and learning from them myself. I've honestly learned plenty from playing countless games from this generation and older games on top of that. Unfortunately, there are repetitive as fuck video games but that's honestly not all of them. There are plenty of issues (Gamergate being one of those issues), but the Gaming Industry isn't just all cons and no pros. There are plenty of games out there that aren't just shoot 'em up mush CoD replicas, and I'd attest to that any day of my life. And there are plenty of gaming companies out there that care about the quality of their games; for some people it's not just about the money, even though it takes billions of dollars just to make games. Video games, like shows and movies and books or sports or whatever for others, are just as important to my life as science and learning and writing. Fucking, I love reading articles about science, I enjoy taking science courses, but I also love video games to death because I've poured a lot of myself into each and every one of those worlds I've played in, as much as I've poured myself into the characters and worlds I write in or read about. In fact, a video game is the sole reason why I've even begun to write and RP and if not for that, I'd honestly wouldn't have discovered how amazing it feels to create worlds and people and craft things with my imagination. So, honestly, Shadow, it's entirely up to you what you want to do. Just know that it's incredibly hard to get a job in the gaming industry, but the fact that corporations and companies can be greedy as fuck shouldn't stop you from wanting to create for others and bring worlds you helped to imagine to life. And you shouldn't let anyone tell you that being an artist or working to make a video game doesn't help anyone. It helps a lot of people, it's helped me with a lot of things. It's the entire same thing for Bio-engineering, you create just as much and help people all the same. Honestly, the decision is yours to make and whatever you feel you belong to you should strive for and it shouldn't, honestly, be about the money, though I'm sure you'll make more money in any engineering or technology field than you would in the gaming industry. But, I do hope you understand that these are two extremely different routes you're taking. Creating video games is a collaborative form of art and it's subjected to the public. It's more abstract and with that it's very difficult to define. Creating a game not only takes good coding and programming, but it takes amazing animation skills and writing to make(unless it's CoD, then it's mostly the mechanics and programming of the game that matter. The art does too and so do the animation, but I think the writing takes a bigger hit because people don't play it for the campaign, they play it for the multiplayer). This, in and of itself, makes mistakes a lot more introverted and you have to realize you're not going to please everyone. Or anyone, sometimes. People might not like your idea. They might not look at your idea the same way you did. It's an art and art is subjective, which means when you make a game and release it, it's out their for the masses. And the masses are very opinionated and sometimes those opinions hurt. Fields in science and math are extremely different, though. They're constant and wholly linear. You create all the same, but the mistakes are perceived differently. You can have an opinion on biology or engineering, sure, but it doesn't mean jack shit. An equation's always going to pump out the same answer, just like a chemical formula's always going to create the same substance. You can't have salt without sodium and chlorine. And you can't have all sugar without that precise molecular and chemical configuration. It's constant and if you make a mistake, you go back and fix it so that you get the same product. However, don't let [i]anyone[/i] tell you that making video games, or any form of art for that matter, is pointless to the human race. It's just as important as medicine and science and mathematics and physics, it's just a different kind of importance. It's culture all the same and it's what makes us human. It's where we derive our humanity from. We help save people with medicine, we discover new things with science, we crete things with mathematics and physics. But we are infinitely human because of our art, the stories we tell through various platforms, and the things we create outside of the realm of science. Though, not necessarily mathematics because everything in this universe requires math and physics to operate. And I guess it's what we do with our imaginations, from making movies to making the Hubble Telescope to making Super fucking Mario. It's so vastly human and that's what makes it so beyond amazing. Realize, however, that everything in this world can be corrupted by greed. The Gaming Industry has many problems, greed including, but so does a lot of research in science and medicine. And I'd argue that a lot of corporations in the fields of science are just as greedy as food corporations, movie/tv show corporations, and gaming corporations. There are a lot of things wrong with them, but it's grossly ignorant just to focus on the bad things. On the things that remain repetitive or the fact that shit we should be getting for free costs hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars or that some of the stories made into billion dollar blockbusters are just mindless, stupid, cheap and made purely for the sake of milking money off of a franchise. Looking through that perspective, you forget about the beautiful things, like how gaming is making such leaps and bounds in technology and interface, how a lot of gamers have united over the course of a few days to raise millions of dollars for charity, or how some games have such vast stories and lore and so much creativity put into a vast world that have brought a lot of people to tears because they've connected so profoundly to the story told. Or how medicine has done such amazing things for the human race and have saved us from the brink of extinction without us knowing that. Or how movies have brought so many people together, have made masterpieces that have had people cry or laugh or think so critically about things they never knew existed. Or how we're fucking going to send people to fucking Mars of all places and so fucking soon it's amazing, or how we've stared into the abyss of space and have seen dead stars as bright as they were trillions of years ago. So, what I'm saying here is that gaming has it's flaws. A lot of corporations are corrupted by greed and they've employed some shifty ass tactics to get people to throw their money at the screens. But, that's not at all the only significant points in gaming. You can't have your con list and then just tell people to forget about the pros. That's like me complaining about how pharmacies are milking money off of medicines that should honestly be going to people for free or at a significantly lower price, without stating the fact that they've saved billions, trillions of lives.[/hider] I apologize for the long rant, it just upset me that someone insulted games in general because people are greedy fucks, without acknowledging all the good games and companies that make games have done and will continue to do in the future (also side note: gamergate can go die in a fire). Unfortunately, greed has corrupted just about everything in our life, which is a pretty sad truth. But that should never detract from things that have significant meaning to our lives or things that are significant to others. For me, that's video games, writing, movies, and science (mostly astronomy and astrophysics). And you have to remember, take the good with the bad and vice versa. I guess this is my tl;dr. I forgot to add the fact that, the decision is solely up to you, Shadow. They're two very different paths in life and they do so many different things for people. Honestly, it's what satisfies you in life and what you think will make you happy. Don't forget that the entertainment industry helps people just as much as medicine and science can, just in vastly different ways. Monty Oum is a testament to that. And for me, writers on Bioware, and various writers or TV Shows I love, as well as actors and directors (AND OMG I CAN'T FORGET NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON AND BILL NYE AND MICHIO KAKU). They're all vastly important to me and people who have helped me or inspired me or taught me so many things. In other words, I'm a giant geek and I'm very, very proud to have my roots deeply established in gaming because that's what I grew up with. I grew up loving video games and I grew up loving stories and writing and reading. I'm a fucking nerd and I love it. /end rant On another topic entirely, has anyone seen the individual who plays Ineko? :O Because I haven't and we should totally begin collaborating ideas and talkiiiiiing and shiiiiiit. I don't mind if Jayden loses or they tie or he wins or something drastic and crazy as fuck happens. But I would like for our fight to be bad ass as fuck, yo. Like, the best ever. We need to make everyone jealous of our mad action writing skillet biscuits. <3 And, I do have something of a question. Would I be mostly controlling Solomon and Ahriman? I don't mind doing that as I've played a shit ton of character before and can handle it fairly well. And I may have put a lot more work and effort than I should have in making NPCs as it might be difficult to get the exact characterization I've written for them or their relationship dynamic for that matter. >_> <_< That was definitely my mistake and I don't mind owning up to that. If anyone plans on writing with them in a more detailed way, PM me and I can maybe help with deciphering their characterization, if any of you want. *Shrug* I don't mind if you want to wing it or whatever, you know. o_o Also, I should stop drinking Monsters because I'm overloading on caffeine right now and I feel like absolute shit. Like these things are so fucking unhealthy that it's kind of insane. And that should be the precise reason I should stop drinking them... ._. Big OOC post because I haven't been here all day and I think I need to catch up? [/quote] I also I agree with what you say wholeheartedly (yes I read your entire rant).