It was quite an spectacle indeed! The crowd was cheering while two combatants grunted and put their warforged biceps to work. Brooch was confident at first of his own long developed fortitude but his opponent was indeed a dwarf, folk chipped away from bones of the earth itself and when drunken, that legendary stubborness and grit could easily double or triple in effectiveness! First there was table creaking, then a slam and loud crash of metal as titans hand was forced on the table, his shoulder followed and under the weight of his pauldron the table was decimated and bits of food and broken plates flew everywhere. From the chaos, Brooch was first to rise up to his feet and reached down to raise Tudolfs arm into air and celebrate the glorious victory. This time there were more voices that followed titan into uncontrolled laughter and cheering that could be heard long into evening around the imperial city.