[quote=@Sixsmith] [quote=@Skyrte] [quote=@Sixsmith] [quote=@Skyrte] [quote=@Kafka Komedy] [quote=@Tearstone] I'm here. I wound up doing nothing as far as RP goes yesterday/today. [/quote] Yeah, I've been waiting on Dharc and Skyrte, but as far as Dharc goes... I'm not sure if he's still here. What's the policy on absence before expulsion? Like, how many days do we have without checking in? [/quote] not ded will post in a few hours [/quote] OMG THERE YOU ARE. DISCUSS. WE MUST! [/quote] Wait, discuss what? EDIT: Ohhhh, I just saw that we're now sparring partners. [/quote] YE, M8 U WANNA GO? AYE'LL BUST YA IN YA KNICKAS! That aside, Im fairly busy tomorrow, but if you like to discuss over PMs then I'd be more than happy to when I find the time in the evening. I'm afraid I won't be able to work in anything until later that night or come evening my time the next day. ;( Busy week for me. ;_; Can't wait till I find the time to sit back and relax for a good long 24 hours. Like many college students who work part time I find myself, on free days, more often then not just lying in bed because fuck the world; I don't need to be a responsible, active human all the damn time! Oh, and stahp reading all of that! You're all crazy. It's just a huge wall of text! But I appreciate the compliment. ;) I worry I don't get my point across when in rambling and ranting, so it's good to know I'm at least moderately coherent enough to be articulate lol. [/quote] A-Ok, I'm posting right now if you want to wait, might take another half hour or something. And yeah, I'll send a PM so we can plan out the spar and stuff, and don't worry about being busy tomorrow, I'll be busy tomorrow too. Making sushi. And eating it.