Domenico watched the pods fall, he had only seen it once before on a little backwater quite a distance away. It was just as impressive the second time. But, seeing as the inquisitor was entranced by the spectacle, he took the chance to take his boots off of the table. After the space marine captains little speech Domenico looked at the inquisitor, "So, why are we here and not down there? What did you call almost every higher officer onto this ship? Throne, I mean you even had [b]me[/b] brought up, I am a penal legionnaire colonel!" Domenico fully expected to not get a single straight answer to any of his questions. That was just how inquisitor's worked, if they didn't want you to know something then you didn't know. They didn't like giving information to anyone, especially men like him. Suddenly Rickert, the senior vox "Officer" of Domenico's command squad tapped him on the shoulder,"What is it rat?" The vox officer whispered to Domenico,"[i]uh, sir the boys found something... some kinda weird tech... they says it don't look orkish or like traitor tech...[/i]" Domenico smiled and looked at the inquisitor, "Looks like one question may have just been answered. "