Aubrey hesitated. "It's like a factory farm," she said softly. Pity and dread weighed down on her, but it wouldn't help the girl to keep the truth from her. "They want our livers. They cut part of it out, wait for it to grow back and then 'harvest' us again." She considered sitting, but the grated floor looked particularly nasty here, so instead she glanced around. No one had a dart aimed at her. Yet. "I am sorry. Perhaps...we could form a team," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Form a plan. Try to escape. Won't be easy, though." She pinched her nose, took a bite out of the sickening cut of meat and forced it down. Although Rey was determined not to show it, he was certainly taken aback by the appearance of the man who'd approached him with a whiteboard. Relieved for the reason to look away from his face--he didn't want to be rude and stare--he read the text. New? it asked. He nodded sheepishly, feeling embarrassed despite himself. "Sorry, sir. My supervisor warned me, but...[i]wow.[/i] How do you manage?"