Name: Temple Dusk Age: 18 Bio: It was clear from about the age of 7 that Temple was a little strange, but not until she was 13 that she actually used her power and was taken into the observation center. In school she rarely did well in group activities simply because she just so rarely talked. She was usually assumed to have some kind of selective mutism, but during her teenage years she started to talk more, although her voice was always very soft and she still prefers to be silent. Personality: Observant and curious. Most often when she does speak, she's asking a question. She loves nature above most other things, feeling very in tune and connected with it and often longing to spend more time in whatever quiet woods are the nearest. She has a bit of a tendency to stare as if trying to pry all the secrets out of someone. Likes hearing other people tell stories. Most of the time when she "makes friends" it is just her deciding that she likes a person and isn't necessarily mutual. When she's angry, she usually gives the cold shoulder. Powers: Astral projection (if that's okay). It does send her into a sleeplike trance, though, making her vulnerable when using it. Appearance: [img][/img]