[b][u]Captain-[/b][/u] Master of the Ship First Mate, Executive Officer - Responsible for safety and security of the entire ship and crew, leads the first watchshift. Second Mate, Operations Officer - Chief Officer of the Deck Department, responsible for general day-to-day operations of the ship as well as managing cargo. Leads the second watchshift. Third Mate, Flight Officer - Chief Officer of the Flight Department, responsible for navigation, guidance, FTL jumps, piloting & course corrections, atmospheric entries and flight planning. Leads the third watchshift. First Helmsman - Certified Flight Crew, Lead Pilot - Flight Department Second Helmsman - Certified Flight Crew, Assistant Pilot - Flight Department Navigator - Certified Flight Crew. Responsible for plotting jumps, astrography, spatial positioning. - Flight Department First Engineer - Chief Officer of the Engineering Department. Responsible for structural & mechanical frames. EVA specialist. Second Engineer - Responsible for Propulsion & FTL drives. - Engineering Department Third Engineer - Responsible for Power Generation, Storage & Distribution - Engineering Department Sensors Calibration & Flight Command Systems Technician - Does all the avionics work and manages the sensors. - Flight Department Information Systems Technician - Manages all the computer systems. - Engineering Department Communications Systems Technician - Runs the communications systems. - Engineering Department Environmental Control & Life Support Systems Technician - Does waste, water, air, gravity, heating, ventilation & cooling systems. - Engineering Department Data Collection & Management Technician - Controls all the data gathering systems and databases. - Engineering Department Ship's Purser - Chief Officer of the Steward Department Loadmaster - In charge of the cargo loading/unloading operations. Also keeps track of the ship's stores.