Just got back from my PT appointment just to hear what I already knew: "Your back is screwed up so try not to do anything too hard for it, and give us more money so we can help you maybe." Sounds like a mix between Modern Warfare DLC bait and a terrible pop song! Anyways on to not complaining about the world. [quote=@NightlordKrusnik] HELLOOOOOOOO FRIENDS! .... I really wanna write or draw, since either one will help me work on the other, and both will help me RP.... but then I realize I have a PS4 with Destiny, Unity, and Shadow of Mordor, and Omega Ruby on my 2DS. I have too many distractions. Yup, way too many.... [/quote] I have that problem oft' as well. I have these great story ideas and those give me even better art concept ideas, but then I get on my computer to work on them and find my self playing Assassins Creed BF, Tomb Raider, and derping around with friends on either Castle Crashers or training an incompetent team to glory on TF2.