[quote=@HylianRose] Also, how's everyone doing? I just submitted my application for a thing at school and while I still need to work on getting one part of it completed, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm still stressing over getting stuff done and doing well, but it's much better now that that's sort of done with. I'm sort of... trying out this whole, "Be a better student," thing so we'll see how that goes. It'll probably just mean, for you guys, that I'll only be able to post once or twice a day at most. Anyway, I'd like to know how it's going for you guys. Also, how are you all feeling about the RP so far? I'm going to try and let everyone sort of RP stuff out that they want to, but if we want to just Timeskip to a specific time, like 5 minutes before Group Two planned to meet, then we can do that. We just need to try out best to keep everyone on the same page, I suppose. [/quote] Well, I'm sick. <-Inactiveness explained But other than that I'm good. Busy-ish. Recital prep is under way, I'm about to send in my audition recording to a professional audition (resumes suck), I'm flying to Boston next week to do two grad school auditions, and uh...rehearsals and concerts and junk. I like the RP so far. I think I'm starting to get the hang of Emily. I'd be fine with a timeskip - Emily would basically agree with people and then lock up next time I made a post for her. Though, Group One hasn't planned a meeting yet so I could have Emily take initiative like she does and suggest a meeting time.