Nyx was wary of the statue, so that when it attacked, she was ready, and stepping back, far enough away that it wouldn't, hopefully, attack her, she threw a dagger towards it, going on instinct more then anything else, not expecting it to do any damage to the animated statue, but figuring it might cause a distraction and give Larek a chance to fight it. [center]***[/center] Tran smiled, and hugged Orna, happy, but seemed surprised that Vespion asked for his help, retrieving something. "uh. I can hold a sword, and use it enough for defense. I did training with Railing, so he could have a sparing partner" He said, "I suppose I can help, if only to help fix up what happened" [center]***[/center] Sasha nodded, and was silent for a moment, before saying "I'm glad you can be gentle with me" She smiled, then said "What do you wish to do, today?" [center]***[/center] "I think that's better" Hermia said thoughtfully, "It shows there was more work, and heart into it, then simply reading the music and playing"