The girl passed by them, making a quick glare at Satan as if he was a enemy and left, [b]Well that was a strange thing,[/b] Satan said to Aciel, [b]Now we need to know whats going on here, we'll have to use alias's, Aciel your real name now is Ayshia and my new name is Sadao[/b] Satan told Aciel and Aciel complained [b]Sire I like my name already[/b] and Satan cut him off saying [b]Stop calling me "sire" its embarrasing, Now I'm going to go see whats going on now, you go talk to a few people or something, I'll go do the same[/b] and left, noticing that weird armed person was yelling weird crap about killing everyone, was left alone, [i]god, he's calling us all freaks[/i] Satan thought as he decided to find out what the heck was wrong with him, [b]so uh, my name is sadao and whats all this stuff about killing us all anyways?[/b] Satan asked in a half-cynically half-friendly voice, trying to start a conversation Aciel walked up to a kid Filtering with a girl [b]Salutations, how are you doing kind people?[/b] he asked them all gentlemanishly acting like hes some rich aristocrat Emilia decided to call herself Emi now, [i]I should keep a eye on those two[/i] she thought staring at Satan and Aciel, she walked up to a gentleman/robber person who was sitting in front of some kind of screen, she wanted answers and she wanted them now, [b]Where the heck am I[/b] she threw her left hand forward as if she expected a sword to appear in her hand, but however none appeared