Rozalia eased her way into the compartment, allowing Sora to leap from her arms before sitting down, crossing her legs. Rather than dress in the uniform already, she'd opted for more comfortable Muggle attire - blue jeans, maroon high-tops, and a top along with her mother's old brown leather jacket. It was a tad on the big side for Roza, but she enjoyed wearing it anyway. Remnants of her mother's perfume still lingered in the worn material. "Pft. Scared?" Roze said with a chuckle, taking one of the jelly beans with a grateful smile at Jake. It was a deep red - hoping it was raspberry, she waited a few moments to get in on the conversation. She'd overheard some of the talk about the Slytherins, and she was quite eager to put some of the more negative connotations of the house to rest. "I think all the houses look okay; I am hoping for Ravenclaw, but my brother was in Gryffindor, my Mother in Slytherin, her brother in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw is the only one left for my family, I guess." She paused once more, popping the bean in her mouth and glancing at Moirah. "My Mam was alright. To be honest, judging someone for their houses is just-" Cutting off her words, she shuddered as she chewed the bean, swallowing it with a grimace. "[i]Euch. Blood.[/i] Mr. Bott, you cruel genius." She muttered, her hair shifting from blonde to brown in disgust automatically. "...Yeah, judging someone for that is ridiculous. In fact, shoving kids apart into different houses is a bad idea. It creates rivalries." She paused for another moment, thinking on her and the others' words with a slight frown. Death Eaters... although most had been wiped out, some remained. She was unsure if the people who had killed her mother had been Death Eaters, but in the newspaper article, it had stated all five had been from Hogwarts, and had belonged to the house of Slytherin. However, that hadn't made her opinion of it become any less skewed. Perhaps most of the bad ones were from Slytherin because they were pretty much forced to live with one another? If you live continuously with one bad person for a good 8 years of your life, it's no surprise that their behaviour would rub off on you. Thinking back to the first words she had heard before entering the compartment, Roze turned back to Moirah. "About those Slytherin kids, from the Battle of Hogwarts... from what I've read and heard, only a few wanted to give Harry up to Voldemort. I imagine the majority of them didn't want to fight because they'd be facing family members. No matter how evil they are, who would want to help kill their own parents? I don't blame them for hiding." She stated in quite the rational tone, thinking that many children she would meet would be immensely prejudiced on the topic of houses and whatnot. However, this wasn't really the nicest topic they could be talking about, so she looked back to the boys in front, her smile returning to her face. "Oh, I almost forgot! I'm Rozalia Éathliel - pleasure to meet you all. Feel free to give me a nickname; most people do." She introduced herself, and Sora jumped into her lap, mewing grumpily. Chuckling lightly, she tickled the back of his head. "And this grumpy little thing is Sora. For a kitten, he doesn't half act like a mean old man." She added, and he glared - trust me, kittens can glare at you - up at her, immediately leaping off her lap and onto the windowsill, glowering out of the window. "So, whereabouts are you all from?"