[quote=@Celaira] [center][color=ed1c24][h2]NORMAL POLL[/h2][/color][/center] So, Yosh and I were talking, and he said he wanted a way to reward players for posting without some notion of favoritism on the GM's part. On a lot of Persistent world RP's there are things like "Thread of the Month" "Character of the Month" "Female character of the Month" and so on. What this means is that every month on that forum characters are nominated by other players *[b]Not GM's[/b]* based on a certain set of criteria, and then the player-base outside of those who were nominated votes for the top character/thread/etc for each category. I think that would be fun to do here. Though, obviously, our categories would be different. Something akin to "Student of the Month" or something. We could pick different categories if everyone likes the idea. So, what do you guys think? [/quote] okay i think this can have the problem like jealous persons and a person that do not read all the postings so they can give a ignorant nomination ? but i like this idea for fun.