xD No problem, I think I didn't clear it up very well, so let me do it here: [b]Naoto[/b] is a Half-Demon Half-Human. He used to be full Human. He has a lot of strength, but is usually summoned a giant sword by Josia to use. [b]Josia[/b] is full Human. She uses her powers of sight to summon illusions, and conjure weaponry. Conjures can be the same as an illusion, but require more strength. For example, summoning an illusion of herself is much easier than conjure a familiar. She could easily summon several illusions, but only conjure one pet, for the same amount of energy. [b]Maosu[/b] is full Human. She uses her powers of sound to enhance her own human abilities. She can break her fall with sound, send objects flying with more force, and even disarm loose-stanced enemies with her control of sound. She can also move sound away from her, tricking people into thinking she is elsewhere, or making it sound like an army is coming, ETC.