While they found a place out of the way, Sabine was anticipating getting an earful of protest from Meesei for engaging with people without letting her know. The bad conclusions got worse when Sabine considered if Freida and the others were actually bad people. That didn't seem right, though. They weren't acting strangely, they were being nice and just making conversation. The worries diminished somewhat when Meesei instead instructed Sabine to make a scent masking agent. If the clan had the right ingredients, there would be no reason that she couldn't mix something up like that. "Okay," Sabine said at almost a whisper. Given the investigative reasons that she and the rest of her pack were here, she could understand the secrecy. She just hoped that she didn't look nervous enough to give them away as she followed Meesei to the scholar's rooms to collect ingredients. "Ahuh," Hadryn said slowly, still looking at Leaps. "If you're wondering if he's house trained, we have managed to train him to relieve himself only into a pile of cloth that we set up when indoors." Janius looked to Leaps as well, who now seemed to have given up trying to wriggle free, "Despite being excitable, he's surprisingly intelligent. At least he is receptive to the same training as a dog. That's all I really have experience training. Actually, in many ways he behaves like a pup." Fabian leaned closer, "Intriguing...how long would he take to reach full size?" "No idea, but we do know that they live a long time," Janius replied. Theresa seemed slightly surprised by Ahnasha's response. "Only three months? He has a healthy weight about him, then." "He's a Cathay," Fendros mentioned, having picked up on the conversation. Theresa nodded with a realisation spread across her face. "Ah, right, the moons. Of course. I've heard as much from Najirra before." She regained her smile, "Well, he is still beautiful." The previous small crowd that went to watch the fight started to stream back into the dining hall now, bringing a volume of conversation and laughter. From the general tone of conversation, it was a short but powerful fight. Some mentioned Harriet's promise of a rematch, which brought about an almost tangible anticipation. This caught Theresa's eye. "It sounds like your friend, Lorag, put on a good show with Harriet. I wouldn't be surprised if Oswall challenged him as a matter of pride, now."