Xander "Vega" Chaser Inventory: Backpack, School Supplies, Flandre Scarlet Fumo Plushie, Wallet, Phone, Earbuds --- "H-hey, w-wait!" Xander said as he reached out his arm as to try and stop her, but failed to do so. Xander only looked upset as he saw her go ofg, before picking up his backpack and Flandre and sadly heading out the door. He went into the alley next to the deli and saw an emoty trash can which he kicked strongly, sending it flying against the Deli's wall with a 'clang!' He yelled out loudly, overflowing with amger, "BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA! I'M AN IDIOT! MY ONE CHANCE AT A FRIEND AND I BLEW IT DUE TO MY STUPIDITY!" He only yelled out again, kicking the empty trash can once more before slamming his back against his wall and covering his face with both hands as he, perhaps expected, began to cry. He moved his hands down from his face and cuddled Flandre as to try and ease his emotional pain. "I f**king blew it....I could have had a friend...and I blew it.." He said, crying softly, exasperated with his lonliness.