Meesei and Sabine did not stay still for long, as she could detect others drawing closer. In such a crowded place, it was hard to find places to be alone, at least in the main areas or the passages between. There were likely some unused rooms away from the main chambers, but anywhere else, it was hard for a private conversation to remain private for long. Once downstairs, Meesei had to ask around to refresh herself on where exactly the alchemists would be. It was not long before they found their way to the proper chamber. Looking around, it was easy to tell this would be a place Meesei would like to spend time. Not only were there collections of ingredients and planters with strange and unique plants growing within, but also supplies for enchanting, shelves worth of books, and other kinds of research materials. Meesei had been told there were an entire group of scholars in the clan, but there were only two in the room at the moment, a Bosmer woman, and an Argonian man. Both seemed engrossed in their own studies, and based on what they were doing, the Bosmer seemed to be the alchemist. As they approached, Meesei paid attention to something notable. It could have been something from the concoction she was making, but the Bosmer's scent was not quite what she expected from a werewolf. She was definitely a lycan, but it was possible that her form was different from any Meesei had encountered before. "Excuse me, might I have a moment? We have come to restock our supplies of ingredients, and I would appreciate help finding the right ones. Jerrick has assured me that there should be enough to satisfy my pack's needs. We do not need much." Ahnasha laughed. "And I have no doubt he would accept. He's always looking to prove himself. I wonder which one won the fight? I imagine either one would create just the same stir from the crowd. If you're right about how Harriet views violence, I'm not sure I know which would be better for him." Taking note of the other conversation, Kaleeth decided to add her own input. "Lorag will fight anyone. I don't know if it is winning he likes, or just fighting itself. I think he would say fighting. He likes to say he is a "true Orc." Though...he doesn't seem to like fighting me, for some reason. Janius does most of my training."