[h2]Spy[/h2] Spy was disappointed that the TV only showed static, but then again, it wasn't exactly unexpected. After all, even the TV programs might have given them a clue as to where they were. He was about to leave the TV and the others near it when he noticed a cable coming from it. Bending down to grab it, he then looked around to see if there was any place to plug it into the wall or anything. There was nothing, though, and Spy was puzzled as to why it would be there. His eyes scanned around the room some more, and his gaze fell upon the tablets that were still on the table for others to pick up. He took his out of his suit, and sure enough, there was a port that would fit the cable perfectly. Spy did not hesitate to plug the cable into the tablet, hoping to find more clues as to what was going on. [b]Plug your tablet into the TV? Y[/b] [h2]Soldier[/h2] Soldier had his rocket launcher on the ground next to him, his shovel in one of his pockets somewhere, and his shotgun in his arms at the ready. His facial expression was stern, conveying the message that he was not one to be trifled with. That expression grew sterner, though, when a boy came up to him to chat. Soldier did not know who the boy was, but he recognized the accent. Japanese. One of the enemies of the great U.S. of A during WW2. "I don't speak to your slant Jap-ass, boy," Soldier said, not noticing the irony in his sentence.