[quote=@Prince of Seraphs] Hey guys, I'm still perfectly willing to give this thing another go. It seems to have sort of petered out but if enough of you are still here it shouldn't be too hard to get it moving again. [/quote] Considering I'm overwhelmed with rps now, a reboot at a latter time might be best. Namely it would give a chance to let the idea rest and relax, then reflect on what went wrong. I don't think any of us has given up on this but rather put it on the back burner for a bit of reconsideration and likely a better time to restart it. Most of all deciding the right course of action to keep it active when its restarted and where problems occurred. Too many failures, reboots, and such for an rp idea too close together will start wearing down the enthusiasm for it which isn't any healthier for a restart or continuing. So for now, I would consider this put to rest until a suitable reboot can happen (Also gives me a chance to increase my SG knowledge for the next round!). When that happens and I learn of it, then I will happily be willing to pm you Seraph. Reasonable?