[u][b]ARRAN WHITE[/b][/u] [i]Fantastic;[/i] her life was just one long melodrama, [i]friggin fantastic[/i]. Arran watched tears roll down her face. Tears of anger, rage, hate, but also of loneliness. She wasn’t what you might call pretty, far too much like a boy for that, but with her face scrunched up and tears flowing free, it could only really be called ugly. Wiping her hand across her face, Arran grimaced, she had to get it together, this was a public bathroom, and if there was one thing Arran hated, more than spiders, enclosed spaces, and seeing herself cry, it was someone else seeing her crying. It not only made her look weak, but she felt it as well. … Calming down, her anger abating, Arran splashed some water on her face, thankful that no one else had entered the bathroom. Coughing slightly, she gasped for air, her eyes widening in panic as she got none. She was coughing violently, pushing all the air out of her lungs, and so her body, desperately needing air, gasped for it, but to busy coughing to take any in. Closing her eyes she kept trying to breathe. [i]It’ll stop soon, five… four… three… two… one[/i] Sucking in air, Arran started coughing again, hacking up blood that splattered across herself the sink and the mirror. There wasn’t much really but it had sprayed everywhere, making it look like there was more then there actually was. Gasping and spluttering, she coughed again, spitting out another mouthful of blood.