The Bosmer woman did not immediately respond to Meesei. In fact, her pause made it seem like she either wasn't listening or was pretending that Meesei wasn't there. After a few moments of silence, she looked up from the parchment she was writing on with a cross expression. "Well Jerrick can come here himself and..." The woman's eyes caught Meesei's ring and her brow raised as her mouth hung open. "Oh..." she stood up frantically, making more noise that she needed to with her chair. The Argonian man shot a curious glance at the ruckus. The woman began to walk over to a cabinet by the wall, "Terribly sorry. Terribly, terribly sorry. I wasn't expecting the champion to come up here." She was about to open the cabinet by habit, but stopped her hand mid-reach and turned her head to Meesei and Sabine. "Normally, it's Darahil who gives permission for this sort of thing, but technically Jerrick has the authority as well." "Wait, you are the champion of Hircine?" The Argonian man turned to Meesei properly with an astonished expression, "This is a surprise. I did not know you were in our home." The Bosmer sighed, "Of course you didn't know Juteem, you've been up here all day with your Ayleid trinkets. This is why you should take more breaks." "My research is important!" Juteem said defensively, crossing his arms, "I would have found out eventually, Carana." Carana rolled her eyes and made a futile sound by exhaling between her lower lip and her front teeth. "Anyway," She turned her attention to Sabine and Meesei again, "What do you need?" As asked, Sabine stepped forward and listed off a few ingredients, all of which would be required for a scent masking ointment. She listed a couple of ingredients that she already had, but that was out of nervousness. Carana obliged by finding each of the ingredients and removing them for Sabine. Janius didn't have any qualms about explaining Lorag to Kaleeth while he wasn't here. "That's because he doesn't want to be overpowered by timid little you, Kaleeth. You have more raw strength than him, I'd wager." "Hmm, I actually hadn't thought of that, but I suppose it makes sense," Fendros said. Now that the opportunity to probe about Oswall had arisen, Fendros faced Hadryn and spoke. "Would Oswall be in it just for the fight as well?" Despite Hadryn being the more experienced in the clan, Theresa was the one who answered, turning attention towards her. "Well, Oswall is a Nordic warrior through and through. I think he would fight to prove he is the best. Being that Harriet is his rival in that regard, defeating Lorag could validate him in that way." "Oh? Do you know him?" Fendros asked. Theresa shook her head, "Not really, but I'm friends with his son. Oswall wants to instill the same attitude in Gallus, but he's a different person." Theresa dipped her head sympathetically, "I think he just wants his son to rise up the ranks like he did." Fendros leaned an elbow on his knee. "You say he rose through the ranks, when did he become a lieutenant?" Theresa twisted her mouth for a few seconds, then looked to Hadryn. "I believe it was twenty five years ago." Hadryn said for Theresa, "He joined when he was an adult, but he has always looked upwards."