[CENTER][IMG]http://img-fan.theonering.net/~rolozo/images/eiszmann/eiszmann42.jpg[/IMG] [sub][I]Artwork depicting the ambush of Isildur, from the Lord of the Rings. Also conveys the idea of what goes on in this RP. ;)[/I][/sub] [/CENTER] [h2][B][color=39b54a]I[/color][/B]nstructions:[/h2] [LIST] [*]Using the provided [url=https://titanpad.com/mOrXucLoOu]template[/url], please post a character sheet here. [*]Everything else goes on the OOC tab, thank you. [/LIST] [h2][B][color=39b54a]C[/color][/B]haracter Sheet:[/h2] ([url=https://titanpad.com/mOrXucLoOu]Template Here[/url]) [indent] [B]Name:[/b] [B]Age:[/b] [B]Gender:[/b] [B]Species:[/b] [B]Physical Description:[/b] [INDENT]It's probably best to actually describe the character if you are going to rely on a picture, or you can do without the picture if you like, but definitely describe.[/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] [INDENT]Talents one has either naturally or through education or training of some sort. Brand of the Nightwood was the character's adoptive father, so it's natural that they know how to track, move silently and otherwise be very much at home surviving in the wild, including how to hunt.[/INDENT] [B]History:[/b] [INDENT]Explain how your character got there -- no 'the story will come out in RP' lines, please -- I want a feel for where your character is coming from. Feel free to work up names and places and so forth. Be sure to mention any specific enemies made as well. Also, since the characters all were orphans taken in by Brand, they started out in a similar situation -- under the old ranger's wing.[/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]An idea of how the character thinks and so forth; should be linked to the history.[/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/indent]