Akria left his home to start his search for the vampires base. He was wearing his old general's coat and grab his sword just in case the vampires wouldn't listen to reason. After he was a few miles away from his home five human soldiers surrounded him armed and ready to fight."Akria! Give up and turn yourself in you enemy scum!" One of the soldiers shouted."They sent five this time. Tsk tsk tsk I thought they expected more from a general." Akria whispered under his breath. Two of the three charged at him aiming for his vitals. Akria unsheathe his sword instantly and then sheathe it again. The two soldiers now lie dead on the ground both decapatated. The other three soldiers took on step back and starred at Akria with discuss."Y-Your a monster!" One of the soldiers shouted. "Retreat!" Another one could be herd saying." Sorry fellas ,but I have to keep my rep....which means you guys don't escape alive." Akria unsheathe his sword and took one step toward. The three soldiers started to run in other direction as fast as they could ,but sadly knew it was all pointless when Akria appeared in front of them with his back turned towards them and his sword unsheathe. All three of them fell to the ground cut completely in half at the torso."Pathetic....what's the whole point of this war?" Akria tiltied his hat to the corspes and continued towards the vampires base."I hope the vampires listen to reason....if they don't I'll just have to kill them as well."