"Impressive, she survived." "What did I tell you? Kryos is strong. Her will seems to be playing a part too." "Shouldn't we give her a break? She's been really cooperative." "Well, I suppose so. Send her to the recreational room, then bring in another subject. Oh before that, reward her with some glucose injection. It's been five days since the last one." The freezing cold water in the cylindrical water tank was drained, causing her to be sprawled across its base. The transparent glass door opened, and two men in lab coats pulled out the oxygen mask on her face and the waterproof wires that were attached to her body. Caerulea was then given a towel to wrap around her cold, trembling, and naked body. She did so, exhaustion evident in her movements and expression. She was panting, and her breaths formed mists as they came out of her mouth. Over the past few days, she might have adapted to the freezing temperatures of the water they submerged her in, but being in there for the past five hours made her exhausted still, plus the fact that her energy was all spent long before. They had experimented on her ever since she was brought here, the experiments mostly based on cold temperatures. They had also taken blood samples and studied her brain, all without giving her any food. They did inject some glucose in her at some point, but that was it. There was plenty of water, though. She didn't resist as she thought it was useless, and would only waste her energy. With that, she was injected with some glucose and given some bright white clothes to wear, then guided out of the room to a corridor where there were three others who were also guarded. They led them to a white door reinforced with steel, which Caerulea figured was the one leading to the recreational room. The guards opened the door, ushered them in, then closed the door shut. She and the others were greeted by a woman looking some years older than her, smiling and introducing herself as Lily. She was surprised at the raven wings that slightly extended as Lily greeted them. Glancing around the large, white-painted room, Caerulea saw another girl in a corner, sitting at a table and drawing something. One of the people who were with her vomited out some liquid to the floor, causing her to scrunch up her nose, but she knew that he had probably gone through a lot too. One other person who was also with her before reached out a hand to the man to help him up, and said something about food. "Yeah, I'm sure we'd all like to eat. Do they serve food here? Also, we're in a project?" She questioned.