When Tim came out of his bedroom Sophia tried to keep her expression even. Still she couldn't help but stumble over her words as she said, "It's... uh, it's ok. It's not like it was intentional. I actually tried to text you to let you know I was here, but you left your phone on the coffee table." She picked it up, stood up, and handed the phone to Tim. "Come on," she told him, turning toward the front door. "Lets get going." Tim put on his socks and shoes real quick, then they locked the apartment behind them and were on their way. Once in the car Sophia had Tim hold the pies her mom had baked so they wouldn't get damaged. "My mom made those for us," she explained. "Lemon meringue and a cream pie with fruit 'n nuts 'n stuff. Both really good." Once they were at the apartment Sophia put the pies on the kitchen table. She told Tim to make himself comfortable, to put on TV or a movie or whatever he wanted. She asked if he had eaten yet, and when he revealed that he hadn't she made them a simple lunch with sandwiches and chips and put on a pot of coffee to brew. They relaxed for a bit and it was comfortable except for the bit of awkward silence that remained between them. It wasn't too bad, but Sophia made sure to keep some distance from Tim while sitting on the couch. Eventually it was time to start preparing dinner. Sophia had decided to make homemade mashed potatoes with gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, corn on the cob, and steak. Not your traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but with just the two of them Sophia didn't see the need to bake a huge turkey. "Mind giving me some help in the kitchen, Tim?" Sophia asked as she pulled out everything that was needed for dinner.