[b][center] Hope Fountain Academy- Morning [/center][/b] Class was the same as always for Mio even if it was a new year. The girl finding herself or bored beyond all reason, finding it hard to keep her eyes open, but no matter how nice a quick nap looked Mio fought the urge. Mio kept herself awake by doodling in her note book in between writing things she thought where important, although today it was very little so there were more doodles then actual writing. By the time the lesson came close to the end Mio felt a little happy glad to have a break even if it didn’t show on her face. [b][center] Hope Fountain Academy- Lunchtime [/center][/b] Once the bell for lunch rang Mio set about packing up her things putting them all in the same order they had been before she took them out. With her things put away Mio made her way down to the cafeteria but stopped at the doors the entered to it, feeling her anxiety spike from the thought of just going inside and being near so many people. She mentally sighed as she grew slightly frustrated at herself; last year she had never been able to eat in here with the other students so had made it her goal to eat in the cafeteria this year. But now actually trying to do so was harder then she knew it should be all it was walking thought a set of doors and taking a seat somewhere. But Mio could not quite bring herself to open the doors. “[color=SpringGreen][i]Dam it. Just go in there Mio it not hard it just a door, just one little push and your in.[/i][/color]” She thought to herself wanting to go in but found whenever she thought about reaching for the door her resolve to eat in the cafeteria wavered, in the end Mio gave up turning to walk away only to plough right into another student. “[color=SpringGreen]Sorry. I didn’t see you.”[/color] she stated to the student her tone and facial expression staying blank making it look like she didn’t care. Picking herself up Mio walked off deciding she’d eat on the roof like she used to last year. Up on the roof Mio ate her lunch in piece and become lost in her mind looking at the clouds, which resulted in her being late to class. Much to her embarrassment as she felt to many of her classmate looking at her as she apologized to the teacher.