[b]Akira Aoi[/b] [i]Ahhh, that's good,[/i] Akira thought to herself with a sigh as she submerged herself in the pelting hot water of the shower, taking a moment to enjoy it for what it was. Experiences like this were rare, since the plumbing at her apartment was communal or something, and otherwise she got yelled at by her useless mother, so she didn't have the time to appreciate a hot water shower like this. That said, she hummed to herself as she reached over for the tiny complimentary bottles of haircare products and got to work. Shampoo, conditioner, all the things she needed to put on her best face for the people outside. This was simple stuff, hardly up to the standards of her studio, but she did the best she could. It wasn't like she had a choice after all since she didn't have the smarts or physical strength to stand up to the people outside. It'd have to be her looks that saved her here. And she was enjoying herself too, up until the moment that something hit her head that was decidedly not water. It shook her from her reverie to open her eyes and see....white? "What the..." she muttered, eyes widening as she realized it wasn't water, and sprang for the knob to turn the shower off before more of it got on her or in her hair, a cry escaping her lips at the same time. Fortunately she was quick there, but emerging from the shower, cursing, she seemed on her way to looking like a snowman, with streaks of white running down her body from the whipped cream. Her face was twisted into a contortion of anger, that being a good picture of her mood. "When I find whoever did this, he is going to pay," she growled as she grabbed a washcloth and moved to the sink, to try and clean herself off without the shower. That was a slow process, but fortunately Piriluk kept her peace, unwilling, uncaring, or otherwise just not motivated enough to judge. And that Akira could appreciate. "Stupid shower," she growled as she further wiped herself down with a towel. "Who the hell puts whipped cream in a shower? How does that even work?" [i]"Unknown,"[/i] Piriluk commented in response to the question, following Akira's movements as best she could from her card. That was the wrong move. "No one asked you," Akira yelled back angrily, throwing a dirty rag on the card. Honestly, you'd think Piriluk would be a bit more conscious of these things. She harrumphed then, finishing cleaning up before donning her school garb once more. At that point she retrieved the decidedly emotionless Piriluk, who voiced no complaints as to the treatment she had been given, as well as the collection of pins. Those went on her pockets for safekeeping before she moved for the door. The door swung open, almost impacting against the wall as Akira restrained her anger, smiled, and put on her best face for the people outside. "I'm done," she said aloud, in case someone else wanted to go in there, whilst neglecting to mention the whipped cream water. IT wasn't her problem after all. That said, she moved and sat down on a couch, looking for the first person she should approach, to begin her group building.