[quote=@arowne97] [quote=@MonsieurShade] Jacque's brow raised slightly as he stared at the insignia on Priscilla's hand. He knew of the Slayers, having even worked with one once to help stop a necromancer that had attempted to achieve lichdom. Jacque fondly recalled the argument that the Slayer had started with the Paladin of the past group when the battle was over, as the paladin wanted to take the necromancer before his church to face judgement, while the slayer simply wanted to part the necromancer's head from his shoulders. He pushed the memory away in favor of thinking about Priscilla's question, "[b]A swamp dragon, eh?[/b]". Jacque absentmindedly reached up and tugged on one of the braids in his hair, a habit he'd developed that he only did when in deep thought. The fauna of the forest had indeed been acting strange lately, Jacque recalled that in the last three weeks alone he'd spotted several ospreys, otters, mangrove monitors and even a crab or two moving through the forest. At the time he'd just chalked it up as a novel, yet not quite worrisome occurrence, after all, water sources like swamps dried up all the time, and perhaps what spurred their travel was a drought. Now that Jacque thought about it however, he'd recalled that they didn't move with the purposeful yet discreet movements of an animal in an unfamiliar land in search of a home. The creatures that had entered the forest were frantic; they had been moving as if they were being pursued, always checking their surroundings with rapid, jerky head movements, as if they expected at any second to be pounced upon and devoured and compensated by trying to se everywhere at once. Jacque released the braid and cleared his throat, "[b]Now that I think about it, the wild life here have been acting strange. I've been seeing a lot of creatures around here that I used to only see in a mangrove swamp to the south of the island. They weren't moving like they were migrating, it seemed like they were fleeing for their lives.[/b]". [/quote] James couldn't help but laugh. "That sounds like him. He tends to not let any other animals on his territory that he claims." He looked at Priscilla. "I can lead you to him. I know his scent," he said, sprouting his draconic wings. [/quote] "I could help in the battle if you want my help, after all cleansing the world of evil is a personal goal of mine."