[quote]"Now that I think about it, the wild life here have been acting strange. I've been seeing a lot of creatures around here that I used to only see in a mangrove swamp to the south of the island. They weren't moving like they were migrating, it seemed like they were fleeing for their lives.".[/quote] Priscilla's eyes lit up with elated glee at the mention that her quarry might be nearby. She clapped, creating a crude noise of steel colliding with steel as she celebrated. "Oh thank the waves! Finally, after all this searching, I can bring that beast its just deserts." She looked to and fro along the coastline and then turned to look over the tree-line, a look of slight confusion on her face as she stopped and turned back to the local-living man. She huffed an annoyed breath and chuckled. "Though I AM intrigued enough to ask, what else is there for this island to offer? I'm not going to just slay and leave with a dragon's head in tow. There has to be some sort of hidden wonders or secret valuables to be had." [quote]James couldn't help but laugh. "That sounds like him. He tends to not let any other animals on his territory that he claims." He looked at Priscilla. "I can lead you to him. I know his scent," he said, sprouting his draconic wings.[/quote] [quote]"I could help in the battle if you want my help, after all cleansing the world of evil is a personal goal of mine."[/quote] She toyed with her nose-ring as she considered the offer of help. She WAS all alone on this island, with no company to assist her. But then again its not like slaying mythical beasts was new to her. [i]'In the end though, numbers are better in any situation, so it can't hurt.'[/i] She chewed at her lip as she thought, looking over the two as if surveying architecture or a sculpture. She held her arm up and showed two fingers to the eager pair of dragon-kin. "I've got two conditions. One is you leave the beast entirely to me, and if I am in need of assistance, then you may help. This is a much more personal affair than just regular slaying business, and that means I get the final blow. The second, we make our way on foot. We don't want to alert it to our presence from the air, no matter how dense the tree-cover. That and I've no taste to be flying about. I've come too far and worked too hard to have the prize handed to me on a silver platter now."