[quote] "How about I dig us a tunnel that leads close enough that we can get there on foot? Because from what I can tell this island is massive." [/quote] Slowly and firmly she sighed, and brought a hand up to rub at the bridge of her nose. She felt a sudden stabbing pain behind one of her eyes, and the smell of brimstone, grave dirt and rotting plant filled her nostrils. Her fingertips tingled once more and she could taste swamp air in the back of her throat, making her grimace in disgust. She waved a hand casually at the dragon-kin speaking to her, "A tunnel is fine, just don't bring us up beneath the thing. Bring us up just outside the swamp itself. I'll take it from there." Her tongue felt like sand as she spoke, drying out and becoming rough. All of these signs at once meant something, a sort of sixth sense for magicks like when Jacque appeared from the brush. She dismissed it and resolved to stay on her guard as they continued.