It was a small wonder Takeshi actually managed to get Shu to settle down, normally the kid would be jumping every which direction right up until meal time. Of course just because Shu was done hopping didn't mean he was completely calm, as evident by the fact he was waddling about like he had soiled his pants. Rolling his eyes the older boy looked on in slight surprise when his sibling actually sat down, something that never happened. It was a miracle, Shu was cooperating for once! Grinning Takeshi walked over and reached down, ruffling Shu's hair teasingly as he did so. "See, was that so hard? Now I don't have to keep telling you to stop!" he said, placing his hands on his hips, "Try keeping the silliness to a minimum while we're here, okay? I don't want to give the Queen any reason to get mad at us." Or him, more likely than not. Wondering how things were coming along he ventured a look over at T'charrl and the doctor, glad to see their friend was getting a clean bill of health more or less. After all the trouble they had been through it was only right that T'charrl be healthy again, now if only Viral could have the same kind of luck. Renthal really needed to test this medicine out, and T'charrl seemed the perfect candidate. If it worked in the way he hoped he would be able to supply their troops with it as a supplement, maybe make them able to carry out their duties longer without ever tiring! Sure there were a handful of substances which gave people energy, but that was superficial and wore off. Should this concoction of his work out the way he intended a soldier would be able to handle any kind of condition and not wear out, it was basically a super stimulant. Hearing that the Prince was not overly keen on the treatment left him a bit annoyed, turning sour as he shrugged it off. "Yes yes, after dinner. I'm happy to see your appetite is still there child," Renthal remarked, narrowing his eyes up at the Prince. Turning on his heel he moved across the room to a closet, grabbing a set of crutches out before delivering them to T'charrl's bedside. "I suppose you're right about the food, it will help circulate the medicine better. Yes, we'll do that instead, good idea! I've got a few appointments between now and then, but if I wedge in some time between them then maybe..." "Er... After dinner we need to go back to the ship actually," Haku interjected, smiling slightly, "See, one of our group is sort of the boss, and he wants us back before long. We don't want to make him angry by not showing up, do we T'charrl?" None of them honestly planned to abide by the curfew, but damned if it didn't make a good excuse to get out of things. Hopefully the others didn't mind his lying to get the alien out of the pickle, it was plain as day that their friend did not want to take the medicine. Really who could blame him? Taking some tried and proven medication was one matter, but doing a trial run was nasty business, especially when the person taking it may have to fight or travel soon after. Some other poor sap was going to be stuck taking it then, but at least that person was local and wouldn't end up far away in some weird drug-induced state. Renthal looked to be quite annoyed with that tidbit but said nothing more on the matter, hopefully meaning they were clear. Haku looked over at T'charrl knowingly and gave a small nod of his head, placing a hand on his stomach, "What do we do before we eat then? Think we can get a tour of this palace?" He really did want to see it, the whole place just looked so nice and it was refreshing being in a palace that didn't make you feel like it was essentially a prison too. Yumi had figured that Viral had another sudden lapse in control, and he only had confirmed just as much. It was hard to imagine what had caused him to attack, unless he maybe felt threatened over being chased. Odd, seeing as neither she nor Vegeta meant anything malicious by it, but that was the only thing she could imagine. Viral looked so bent out of shape over the whole matter, obviously not proud to be admitting it. Knowing full well that he'd hate for Vegeta to learn of it she had to call him back over, as this was something they really needed to address. "Viral... You keep trying to say you're fine but then these things happen. Look, I'm going to be straight with you, okay? You say you're fine but everyone else knows that you're not, the only person you're trying to fool is yourself. You can't keep rejecting us for trying to help when it's plain as day something is wrong. It just... It doesn't make sense!" This certainly wasn't her area of expertise, so after managing to flag Vegeta down she waited until he came back over, briefly filling him in on what had happened. In a way she felt rather bad, having betrayed Viral's confidence after just telling him she'd do no such thing, but this problem had to be dealt with. "This is really getting out of hand... I don't want to count how many times this has happened now," Vegeta lamented, sighing as he rubbed at his head. The first thing he was thinking of now was returning to the ship and hurrying up on creating his cure, yet there was another matter plaguing him too. Haunted almost by the conversation he'd had with Choi he couldn't just leave Viral now, nor could he put the task on Yumi as he had been and hope it would work out. If this problem was ever going to be solved it would be by his hand, of that he had no doubt, but he couldn't be putting off the aspects of it he didn't want to undertake. "Viral, we're going to have a talk here and now. We can't keep dancing around the issue because you don't feel like talking about it, I'm sorry. We'll get everything out in the open and work from there, understood?" Glancing over at the Beastman he frowned, folding his arms sternly as he stepped closer. "And no excuses. If you want to know what I've really thought about all this I think you avoiding the subject is weakness. You're right, you are weak, but not in the way you imagine yourself to be. Look around you Viral, you've got nearly a dozen people all pushing to help you and yet you shut us all out. You have to learn to trust everyone around you and be comfortable with sharing what's on your mind, otherwise no medicine I make will be able to cure you. We're not here to hurt you, nor are we out to demean you or try to ruin you, we're only here to help. But until you get over this preconceived notion that we'll look down on you for opening up there will never be any progress made."