Meesei would have to get used to receiving these reactions, at least for a while. The longer they remained with the clan, the more accustomed to her presence they would become, she reasoned. Still, she maintained the same, calm demeanor as normal and continued with the conversation as Sabine pointed out the ingredients she needed. "So Darahil would be the person to speak to about this sort of request? I will keep that in mind. Jerrick is simply who I asked. I do not wish to take any more than your clan can reasonably afford to give, so I will make sure to bear in mind your leaders' recommendations on your stocks." Meesei commented. To divert attention away from the items Sabine was requesting, she started to pace around the room, looking in detail at the plants, Ayleid artifacts, and books surrounding her. It helped that her interest in their research was quite genuine. Scattered on the tables were enchanted ancient elven jewelry and weapons, rubbings of Ayleid carvings, several welkynd stones, and even an artifact Meesei believed was called a varla stone. Even if they were more common, the stones interested her in particular. Their functions seemed so simple, and yet none had yet been able to replicate their production. As tantalizing as the magical artifacts were, Meesei believed she could grab more attention by walking over to the ingredients growing in the planters scattered around the room. They each used a similar set up as the food crops the clan grew, but on a smaller scale. "Although...I wonder, when I find myself with more time, if I might be able to help improve your stores." She said as she approached a planter with a sample of trauma root growing within. The root was alive and growing, but as the Morrowind-native plant thrived in ashen soil which the clan could not perfectly simulate, it was not terribly healthy. Meesei placed her hand around one of the thorny roots, her hand glowing with a form of magicka that did not perfectly match the commonly accepted "schools." To a mage, it would feel like a derivation of restoration, which was not entirely false, but this was magic that seeped into the energies of nature itself. The root contorted and grew as she lifted it up to inspect it more closely. Again, what Ahnasha remembered abou the lieutenants was matching up with what they were hearing. There were still others to ask about, but those would probably be best saved for a different group to avoid suspicion. Regardless, she continued with her own comments. "If Oswall was an adult when he joined, and has been a lieutenant for that long, he must be getting up in age. He might be older than Lorag. Orcs have an...unsettling view of age. They tend to want to die before they grow old and feeble. Personally, I think Lorag will be a strong warrior for a long time yet. After all, lycans' bodies are hardy; we're not immortal, but we can stay healthier for longer. Still, I do worry about what Lorag will do when he gets to that point. I wouldn't guess Harriet is old enough yet to start worrying about age, right?"