[b]Topside- Elyias [/b] The Valkyrie moved swiftly over the landscape below, the only thing contained within was the team of five stormtroopers who sat in the back. As the group neared the ruins of what was left of a city that had been bombed quite heavily. "So what can we expect for resistance?" One of the stormtroopers asked, Sargent Theros spoke over the microbead comm so everybody could hear him. "Resistance will be light, there are a few orks in there area but nothing to indicate a presence like that of the front-lines." Elyias could practically feel the relief of the others around him, running into ork nobz or squiggoths was not high on the list of agenda for the small team. Who couldn't stand toe to toe with the brutes and expect to walk away intact. The Valkyrie hovered over the edge of a still standing building and deployed its ramp, with the efficiency of a well oiled machine the squad deployed. Each member fanning out and covering the other when the Valkyrie took off they went about their job deploying rope off the side of the building and repelling down when their boots hit the ground the moved, they got partly through the city before Sargent Theros raised a fist to stop and then another hand signal for them to find cover. Elyias took cover and peaked out at the two Orks walking past. "Deh baws be a git, he as us eis bestest orks doin nuffin!" One of them said, their manner of speech was enough to make the stormtrooper cringe from his hiding spot but he forced himself to listen to the other. "yea! we deh best orks in deh whole waagh! Oi Morlug yah git get over ere." A third orc joined them and stopped at Elyias' hiding spot. "I gotz to go." The one referred to as Morlug said. "Then do it yah git." The first one said, and with that the third ork proceeded to take a piss into Elyias' hiding spot, the trooper managed to push himself further against the rubble but not before getting a hefty dose of the orks stream all over his helmet and armor. When he was done the trio of Orks left and the troopers filed out. "I heard that's good luck Elyias." One of the troopers said. "Yeah i bet you didn't know wetwork involved actually getting wet sometimes." Another chimed piped in with a sigh Elyias just kept moving. When they finally reached their mission location they set up one of the other troops using her long-las to keep an eye on the nob they were after. He had taken a relic found on the battlefield with him as a trophy and the imperium wanted it back so they had been dispatched. "Command we are in position ready to engage when given the order." Sargent Theros said, sending the vox message out to command who was undoubtedly in orbit with the inquisitor who called them. There was no reply from command meaning the meeting was in full swing so the group just sat and waited. Over the vox they heard the arrival of the dark angels which only brought groans from the troopers. "We do all the hard work and the astartes take all the credit." Said one of the troopers. With the arrival of the dark angels the team was scrambling to get command on the horn so they could take their shot. [b] In orbit- Inquisitorial flagship [i]The Word of Law [/i] [/b] The whole command structure of the "Stormbringers" imperial guard had been called up to this ship for a meeting and they came, they always obeyed the inquisition and came when they were needed as they were the word of the emperor and they the emperors subjects so they would obey in devotion to the emperor. It took every fiber of Amy Santori's being to not want to drive a knife through the penal colonel's throat, the disrespect he showed the inquisitor was downright rude, as Amy was about to shout at the colonel and tell him to show some respect to the voice of the emperor Nicholas who sat on her left spoke. "Why have you called us here m'lady?" He asked, looking to the inquisitor for a answer.