[quote=@Terminal] [quote=Belphegor]"Idle hands are the Morning Star's tools, the idle mind his workshop, the idle soul his clay."[/quote] [hider=Sloth][center]Acedia Timeless Anthropomorphic Embodiment of Self-Annihilation [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/188/b/1/Nightmare_by_kalessaradan.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Abilities]Sloth, unlike the other Sins, is too devoid of any sense of self to create an avatar of its own. Instead, it may possess the bodies of the sleeping, the absent, and the dead - only resting on consecrated ground or being watched over by a divine guardian can protect the restive soul from the grasp of Sloth. Alternatively, Sloth is unable to possess the bodies of those resting within structures or sites that Sloth's essence is not currently occupying. Existing more as a force than as an entity, Sloth may possess as many individuals at a time as are available within any single structure (Sloth and the individuals it possesses may freely move between sites regardless of this limitation). Those possessed by Sloth, along with the essence of the sin itself, cannot trespass upon holy ground. The sleeping mind alone does not define the limit of Sloth's reach, and it may additionally possess the bodies of individuals who have entered a trance-like state or similar form of stupor, and even corpses devoid of life. Those possessed by Sloth move with unknown drive and purpose, but all appear to have heightened sensory awareness beyond what the host body would normally be capable of. Possessed individuals can only be awakened by fire, intense heat, or electrical shocks (even in the case of possessed corpses, though these will momentarily recover as there is no consciousness to awaken - only destroying the body or else burying it in consecrated ground will prevent it from rising) - mere physical injury, loud noises, and bright light will fail to awaken the possessed. All possessed hosts will naturally awaken after a regular allotted time spent sleeping as is normal for them, depending upon their particular sleeping habits. Those possessed by Sloth experience uneventful, dreamless, timeless stasis. Assuming they are not injured while possessed, they will awaken fully rested and without any physical fatigue.[/hider][hider=Personality and Description]Sloth, lacking a personality per-se, is still a malevolent abyssal force which actively works to damn human souls and disturb the fabric of the world. In keeping with its nature, Sloth uses highly arcane, indirect, and subtle machinations to punish any who are foolish enough to follow the path of least resistance while also sowing weakness and frailty. Its foremost tool in the corruption of human purity is suicide, manipulating and distorting the circumstances and environments of its chosen victims in order to coerce them into giving up in despair, destroying the work, effort, and potential inherent in their mind, body, and soul. Sloth has been known to use poison, drugs, blackmail, and lies in order to weaken the wills of its victims. Although it has no intelligence of its own that would enable others to pursue such tactics, Sloth has an intrinsic affinity for sources of despair and doubt that it automatically exploits, occasionally without context, which even enables it to sometimes attack the resolve of Humans with fears and doubts they never knew they had.[/hider][/hider] [/quote]