"Ah, Lady Mohow...Can I just call you Mo? That name is...rather hard to remember fully.." Magnus told her. "So glad you decided to come and join our little party. If my senses don't fail me it seems more humans have also joined us. Oh what fun this is shaping up to be...Do make yourself comfortable. Come shortly after nightfall we will slaughter them all." He sat back down in his makeshift chair of carved stone, simply waiting for the time to pass. Soon, soon he would take the lives of hundreds, then after that, who knows? --- Matt grimaced at the sign of the tanks and the flaming crosses. He grabbed the radio attached to the front of his jacket He spoke into it. "Yeah...get the snipers into position..." "Yeah, you saw them to?" "Mhm...Tanks too. You know what to do." "That should take care of part of them...I'll strike them from behind. Co-Ordinate with the rest on how to bring down that assassin guy." He said as he unbuckled from the motorcycle, with a soft click he ejected the boomerangs from the holsters. He ducked off behind the buildings, circling around to hill overlooking the small army coming to greet them. He grimaced, with that he descended down the hill, using the fading light to his advantage. He tossed the boomerang from his right hand, cutting down two of the attackers, them firing their guns as they went down. Taking down two more with friendly fire. He stretched his arm out and caught the 'rang on the rebound, "Consider me your welcome party fellas." He said with a grin to the few in the back that turned around. With a soft click he returned his weapons to their holsters and drew his magnums, three drawing their rifles in return. He fired, downing two of the three. He ducked as the last proceeded to open fire, by now most of the forces in the back had been alerted of his presence. He delivered a sweep kick to the man in front of him and a head-shot when he hit the ground. He ran and ducked behind one of the buildings for cover, a bullet catching itself in his right arm. The snipers above took that as their signal to begin opening fire, he hoped Mithias took it as his signal to hurry a plan along.