Name: Lady Scarlet Age 3,000 Powers: Fire- more intense. Manipulates the undead, increased dexterity, Longevity invulnerability to pricing attacks doesn't need to feed because undead. Absorbs essence Species: Skeleton dragon Apearance(s)[img][/img] [img][/img] Crush:None Personality: Aggressive, solitary unless with undead, when she has made a friend they are friends for life ~+~+~+~+Looking for a mate History(optional): Ancient dragon, whom perished long ago but her life force did not perish and it reanimated her body. Now she roams the area looking for souls of the dead and living alike anything to keep her fire burning. She sired a powerful dragon who's father was a mortal necromancer, her son is a half dragon whom is talented necromancery. ~+~+~+~+~+~Dragons 4ever~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~