Shu was going to settle down just this once just because of where he was and how Takeshi couldn’t actually talk to him more than telling him to calm down. Shu wanted to go and see his friend, but while he was getting checked out he would have to be patient. Giggling as Takeshi ruffled his hair he waved his hands around for a second, smiling up at Takeshi. “I’m not being silly! I’m being normal!” he nodded, wiggling his toes, “You mean not have her hit you too? I didn’t make Mister Doctor hurt your leg”. He was not to blame for what Takeshi got himself involved in or whether people hurt him, especially when he wasn’t talking or doing anything in the first place. Looking over to T’charrl he soon hopped along the floor, keeping seated most of the time and giving Takeshi a smile as if expecting him to be happy that he was still technically sitting down. T’charrl wondered if Renthal would be happier with him making that decision and from the sounds of it he was, even sussing out that it was probably the best thing for him if he had food. Smiling nervously at Renthal as he rambled about the food he sighed as he took hold the crutches, letting out a sigh as he got comfortable with them before his eyes went to Haku, frowning a little at his words. Giving a glance to Takeshi and Shu he soon looked down at himself. “Well uhh, I was kind of hoping I could stay with my parents tonight. It’s my first time back home in a long time and I kind of want to be with them for now. Is that okay with you all? I think I have myself under control”. Viral didn’t want to admit his weaknesses or what was possibly happening to him as things got worse, especially when things were going so well before. Everything he did just had to go wrong for him, there was never a time to be glad something turned out for the better anymore. Admitting what he had done and what he was going to do was just too much for him to admit but Yumi had managed to force it out of him even when he wanted to hide it. Glancing to Yumi momentarily he let out a sigh and looked away again, keeping his arms folded as she could only tell him how flawed his logic was that he was fine. Even when he tried he couldn’t try to be positive about what was happening to him and constantly he was having that drilled into him, but even after her telling him off she quickly decided to break her little private talk by telling Vegeta to come over. “What doesn’t make sense is you wanting a private talk but then letting Vegeta in on the whole thing! It’s always the same…” Not feeling in the mood to be chastised by Vegeta right now his arms remained folded as he was once again spoken to like a child, finding the whole ‘this is getting out of hand’ to be getting really old now. Of course, it was already out of hand when it started getting worse and he didn’t need reminded of that over and over again. Eventually sighing as his mood could only drop he soon went back to rubbing his head, not enjoying this little talk even if it was important. He knew he was breaking down and getting worse but it was getting to the point of ridiculous how much it was starting to happen. Keeping his eyes off him he soon looked back only to have to step back as Vegeta took one forward almost as if he was seeing it as a threat. Giving Vegeta an angry glare before only looking away again he let out a low growl, clenching his fists. He didn’t want to have to tell people what was on his mind, especially if it meant he was only going to end up nowhere near better off because of it. There was always going to be a lot on his mind and he was always going to be embarrassed about telling anybody anything, but not much was going to change that even if he did speak up about it. “I know you’re trying to help. I see no reason to open up despite how easy it all sounds to you because why? Why should I say anything? What benefit is that going to give me? It’s not going to retract what’s happened to me or make my condition any better so what’s the point? Progress will be made when you figure out how to treat this and then that’ll be the end of it. If that’s how it must be then why am I out here when I’m putting you all in danger by having anyone near me? If you and everyone else is getting angry at me then just forget about me. It’s not that hard”.